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Tuesday, 20 December 2011

DBMS Multiple choice questions

1. To avoid the problem of updating you can take the following principle for A good database design.

a) Unrelated data should be kept in different table.    
b) Table should not contain any redundancy.
c) Table should represent constraint.                              
d) All the above.

2.       The end of SQL command is
a) an end of line character                                                
b) an ‘enter key’ marker
c) an entering F4 key                                                         
d) a semicolon(;)

3. In the first normal form -----------------------
   a) A composite attributes is converted to individual attributes. 
   b) Non – key attributes are functional dependent on key attributes.
   c) The non – key attributes functionally dependent on not a part of key attributes.
   d) All the above.

4. in object oriented software design ‘inheritence’ is a kind of
a) module                                                                             
b) relationship
c) optimization                                                                    
d) testing

5. The second normal form are -----------------------
   a) A composite attributes is converted to individual attributes. 
   b) Non – key attributes are functional dependent on key attributes.
   c) The non – key attributes functionally dependent on not a part of key attributes.
   d) All the above.

6. BCNF required----------------
  a) If an attribute of a composite key is dependent on a attribute of other composite key .
 b) If a non key attribute dependent on a key attribute.
 c) Both a and b.                                 
 d) Not a and b.

7. Fourth normal form required---------------
  a) When attributes in a relation have multivalued  dependencies.
  b) If an attribute of a composite key is dependent on a attribute of other composite key.
  c) If a non key attribute dependent on a key attribute.
  d) None of the above.

8. if a relation has several candidate keys, one is chosen arbitrary to be the -------------key
a) Primary                           b) alternate
c) Secondary                        d) none of these

9 Aggregate function in SQL is
a)GREATEST,LIST and ABS                          
c)UPPER,LOWER and LENGTH                    
d) none

10. MySQL is based on a tiered architecture consisting of
a) Primary subsystem & support component            
b) Mission system & support system
c) Local & global system                   d) none of these

11. In relational database the column of relation is called-------------
  i) attribute                          ii) relation             
iii) Table                                iv) Entity

12. Which statement are true about the Primary key.
       i) It is a candidate key chosen by database to identify tuples in Relation.
      ii)It is a set of attributes that form a super key but no proper subset of Which is a super key.
iii)Both I and ii                           iv)None of the above

13. ----------------integrity ensures that each row can be uniquely identified an attribute called the primary key.
  i) Domain integrity            ii) Entity integrity               
 iii) Referential integrity      iv) None of the above

14. ------------ is a  operator that selects a subset of tuples of the relation.
   i) Project                             ii) Select                   
 iii) Cartesian product         iv) None of the above

15. What are the important criteria for designing are-----------
i)                     Meaningful grouping of attribute
ii)                   No redundancy
iii)                  No inapplicable attribute          
iv)                  All the above

16. SQL has following component
i)Data definition language        
ii) Data manipulation language               
iii) Data control language                          
v)                   All the above

17. Which is not a function of aggregate function?
i) Count                 ii) Avg                   
iii) Create             iv) Max

18. in the natural join the…………..operator is always the equality operator
a) Comparison                    b) division
c) Multiplication                  d) none

19.  Which  SQL query write for find out the list of student with name beginning from s.
i)                     Select * from student Where name like ‘s—‘
ii)                  Select * from student where  name like ‘s%’
iii)                  Select name, age from s where name like ‘s%’
iv)                 None of the above.

20. Which statement is used to add a new column in existing table?
                i) Create table abc
( add course varchar(20))
            ii) Create table abc
                ( course varchar(20))
           iii) Alter table abc
                 add course varchar(20))

21. Advantage of DBMS is-------------------
a) Controlling redundancy                          
b) Enforcing Integrity constraints              
c)Both a and b                                               d)none

22. RDBMS stands for-------
a)       Relational database management system                   
b)       b)Related database management system
c)       Relational database managing system
d)       None of the above
23. SQL stands for
 a) Structured Query language                                b) System Query language        
c) Systematic Query language                                  d) None of the above

24. a relational database stores a minimum of a single -------byte for missing data items in any given row
a) 2                                 b) “null”                              
c) 1                                 d) none

25.Database Management System is a --------
a)Software                               b)Hardware             
c) Both are true                       
d)None of the above

26. -------------system must be capable of  handling thousands of orders placed at the same time
 a) OLT P                b) Rdbms                               
  c) ISVs                d) None of these

27. The command include in DDL is --------
  a) Select                           b) Update                               
 c) Create                           d) None of the above

28. The command include in DML is --------
 a) Grant                          
b) Update                                                                         
c) Create
d) None of the above

29. This is not a date type in Sql
 a) char                             b) string                  
 c) Long int                      d) decimal

30. The ------------------------ command would delete the record from table.
a) Delete                        b) Drop                   
c) Remove                     d) None of the above


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